Le château a été construit entre 1770 et 1778 par l'architecte Jean-Louis Fontaine pour le frère du Cardinal Loménie de Brienne, un très intéressant personnage historique. Cardinal, ami des Philosophes des Lumières, Ministre des Finances de Louis XVI, membre de l'Académie Française, il prêta serment à la Constitution civile du clergé et mourut en 1794 de mort naturelle le lendemain de sa dernière arrestation. Il mériterait une biographie dépoussiérée pour rétablir toute l'importance que sa famille a eu pour la ville de Brienne et aussi sur la vie politique française.
Son frère Louis-Marie Athanase de Loménie dut Ministre des Armées entre 1787 et 1788 et fut décapité en 1794 ainsi que ses trois fils.
This castle was built by the architecte Jean-Louis Fontaine between the years 1770 and 1778 for the Cardinal Loménie de Brienne. A very interesting character, friends of the philosophers of the Enlightment, he was for a while Ministre of Finances of Louis XVI, member of the French Academy, he wrote importants essys about about to take care of the poverty in France, he was one the constitutionnalist members of the Church in favour of the French Revolution at its beginning and he died in 1794 the day after its last arrest. He should have a "dust-clean" biography in order to show how important his family had been not only for the structure and life of Brienne but also on the French political evolution.
His brother Athanase Louis-Marie de Loménie was Minister of the War 1787-1788 and died on the scafold in 1794 as his three sons.
2 commentaires:
It's a very big and beautiful château
Fontaine related to Fontainebleu? (I'm so ignorant.) It is very beautiful.
And the costumes of those three small children in the postcard are INTERESTING!
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