jeudi 12 juin 2008

Décollage à Brienne le Château

Envol sur l'aréodrome de Brienne le Château, première vue sur les sablières.

Taking off from the airport of Brienne le Château, first view upon the sandpits.
Merci au pilote Salvatore pour ce vol magnifique au dessus d'une superbe région : les grands lacs de l'Aube.

4 commentaires:

Olivier a dit…

j'attends la suite, les photos aériennes c'est toujours superbes et font découvrir de superbes panoramas.

SandyCarlson a dit…

Those are wonderful views. Your photos are exciting.

Anonyme a dit…

For some reason you URL is wrong on Sky Watch Friday. I was able to add the dot com and take off the forward slash and get here. I would go back and change it.


That is what is coming up on now.

Pat - Arkansas a dit…

I see Abraham Lincoln has already alerted you to the problem with the URL on Wiggers World. I, too, changed it on my search and found your site. Good photos; if ever a subject was appropriate for a Sky Watch, it is airplanes.