mardi 11 décembre 2007

Brienne le Chateau, Xmas, Napoleon and the card punch organ player

Brienne le Châeau is ready to celebrate Xmas in a fortnight. Last Sunday, in the "Santa Claus Market" all the day long a punch card player was singing under the huge old hall..Napoleon in front of the city hall is surrounded by decorated trees.
Brienne se prépare à célébrer Noël dans deux semaines. Dimanche dernier se tenait le Marché de Noël sous la grande halle. Un joueur d'orgue de Barbarie animait la manifestation.La statue de Napoléon devant la Mairie est entourée d'arbres et de sapins décorés.

9 commentaires:

Daniel Chérouvrier a dit…

This blog is going to succeed to a previous one which was located on with the link
For some days or more, the two blogs will have the same content.

Ce blog est destiné à prendre la relève du blog hébergé sur
Pendant plusieurs jours voire plus, les deux blogs vont avoir le même contenu nonobstant les différences de possibilités techniques offertes par les deux hébergeurs blogspot et overblog.

quintarantino a dit…

Hi there... hope you don't mind me coming to see your blog. Saw your comment at LeenaM and decided to get a little peep on your project.
I liked it.
I guess I'll link you to my own little corner.
Would be pleased if you visited me at

Gerald (SK14) a dit…

Thanks for letting me know of your new blog - My knowledge of French topography is nil, so please tell us - are Brienne-le-Chateau, Brienne-la-Ville and Radonvilliers three separate places - obviously they are closely connected but I'm slightly confused [easily done] about their relationship.

Daniel J Santos a dit…

Nice pictures, nice to see a new project, in this case a French project...

I came wear recommended by my good friend Quintarantino.

Daniel J Santos a dit…

thank you for your comment in the United Photos.

I will link you in my home place

Daniel Chérouvrier a dit…

@Hyde (Gerald)
Brienne le chateau is a "commune" with a city council and a mayor it's also the name of a "canton" which includes 24 other "communes".
Altogether they count about 8400 inhabitants, Brienne le Chateau the biggest commune has 3400 inhabitants, Dienville 742, Brienne la Vieille 420, Radonvilliers 380... The smallest village Courcelles sur Voire 25 inhabitants. As you see in France we have a lot of communes, each one has a council and a mayor elected by the citizens.
That's why I've two blogs one specific for my village " de coeur" Radonvilliers and a second one for the region of Brienne le Château called also "le Briennois" which offers enough material for a dailyphotoblog.
Most of the Briennois is included in the Regional Park "Forêt d'Orient" in which are located 3 - Lakes Orient (Seine), Temple, Amance (Aube)of the four great reservoirs (artificial lakes) the fourth being on the river Marne.
I'll post a map.

stromsjo a dit…

Gee, I wonder what a punch card organ sounds like! Maybe I wouldn't want to know... ;)

Daniel Chérouvrier a dit…

@per stromsjo
The singer came from "Haute-Marne" an other department, he was quite good. "L'orgue de Barbarie" as we call it in France was very popular for the street singers and I know some very good music teachers who use it when they want to give a special parisian "atmosphère" (stämning p°a svenska).
Unfortunately I did not take with me my movie camera.

Unknown a dit…

Merci Deslilas pour le commentaire du 12/12/2007. Je suis Yannick le comment dit-on, punch card organ player et ce sera avec joie que je vous verrai peut-être à la fête des moissons à Ste Marie du Lac le 03/08/08, où au marché de Noël de Brienne en décembre où je suis à nouveau invité à animer musicalement la journée (jamais seul, je voyage avec mon orgue, et ma canne de compagnon de route des chansons du coeur.) Au plaisir.
Yannick Racapé Douce Barbarie.