jeudi 7 août 2008

Arc en ciel sur le Briennois

Après le passage d'une forte et courte perturbation orageuse, retour du soleil avec cet arc en ciel.
After a short but strong hard rain, the sun is back with a beautiful rainbow.
Plus de photos SWF, more SWF

13 commentaires:

Suzanne a dit…

Magical and beautiful. Perfect for Sky Watch. Happy SWF.

Anonyme a dit…

It looks like you really could find a treasure from the end of it :)
I hope, your summer has been pleasant!
Good weekend to you!

SandyCarlson a dit…

Thanks for these delightful, magical photos.

AphotoAday a dit…

And more rainbows -- very cool.

Kelly a dit…

Beautiful rainbow! Delightful photo!

Jane Hards Photography a dit…

I'm still yet to catch a rainbow, and I have photographed everthing. Really well done, these are lovely.

Digital Polaroids a dit…


Tom a dit…

Rainbows are a joy to see and always make me smile and look..

Mandy a dit…

Rainbows are always so adorable.

Bergson a dit…

tiens les vacanciers reviennent pour voir les arcs en ciel !!

Louise a dit…

Beautiful rainbow photos!

Deborah Godin a dit…

Such beautiful soft scenes, very peaceful!

lyliane six a dit…

Superbe toutes ces couleurs et dans le champ on peut l'admirer en entier.