Le clocher de l'église d'Unienville proche de Dienville.
Quelques girouettes d'inspirations diverses pour les observateurs du ciel.
The church steeple of Unienville."One city" as it is called near Dienville (two cities).
Some windvanes with various patterns from the region of Brienne.
D'autres sites proposant des images liées au ciel.
More pics for Friday Sky Watch.
21 commentaires:
Et les violá ... les girouettes!
Nice photography.
Have a nice holiday weekend.
Abraham Lincoln
beautiful photos collection.
Excellent sky watch.
Nice photos collection.
Happy Easter.
There's so much craftsmanship in your village. Thanks for the wonderful pictures. (and thanks for stopping by my blog!)
So many great weathervanes. Love the photographs.
And thank you so much for the information on Nathalie's Avignon blog about the film - Le Ballon Rouge. I thought I remembered it!
Menton Daily Photo
Wonderful pictures of weather vanes.
In the ninth century A.D., the pope reportedly decreed that every church in Europe should show a cock on its dome or steeple, as a reminder of Jesus' prophecy that the cock would not crow the morning after the Last Supper, until the disciple Peter had denounced Him three times (Luke 22:34). Because of this story, "weather cocks" have topped church steeples for centuries, both in Europe and in America. The 11th century Bayeux Tapestry even includes a scene of a craftsman attaching a rooster vane to the spire of the Westminster Abbey.
Happy Easter!
The sky and weathervanes! How beautiful your photographs are! . Thanks for visiting me. I really appreciate it! Have a happy Easter and a grand weekend! :D
The church and the vanes are wonderful. The sky provided a lovely background for these dramatic images.
I love the weather vanes. Don't see many of them around here.
Oh wow... those are some beautiful weather vanes. I would love to see some around here. Wonderful post!!
You've got me with this set of pictures you really have... Wrought Ironwork as You know is a favourite of mine and these vanes are very nice to see.
Thank you for the link..
I'll catch up with you again soon
beautiful weather vanes. Great shots.
So maany nice photos of weather vanes:)
Oh, I LOVE the weather vanes! Very nice. I think I'm going to start looking for them around here. though I doubt they are so nice as yours.
I love weather vanes! These are really wonderful!
Beautiful weather vanes
Nice collection!
This series is so beautiful. I love looking at the different designs.
Wow! Those girouettes are wonderful! LOVE all them!
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