mardi 11 mars 2008

Troyes : de la Bourse du Travail au centre commercial St Nicolas

La façade avant de la Bourse il y a quelques mois. L'arrière maintenant en attente des travaux.
Le projet urbain de transformation d'un sité lié à la Mémoire ouvrière et syndicale en un centre commercial (avec la réalisation de 13 logements en alibi social). La Bourse du Travail deviendra le "passage Saint-Nicolas" !
The frontside of this building in which the Trade Unions were located some months ago. The backside today waiting for the new project.
The project : from a historical site connected to the Memory of workers and Trade Unions to a new commercial mole in the center of the town called "Saint-Nicolas"( 13 appartments should be built in order to give a "social" aim to the operation).

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I came again today to say, thank you, for visiting my blog and for your comments there. I do appreciate it a lot.

I also enjoyed your post again today as much as I did yesterday. It looks like you have a lot of construction or building going on or being planned.

Anonyme a dit…

La premiére photo est trés jolie.
J' ai aussi bien le "post".

lyliane six a dit…

Cela donnera du travail à la région, bonne idée et l'on est dans l'Est voilà pourquoi le nom sûrement.

Steve Buser a dit…

Thanks for stopping by New Orleans Daily Photo and the language lesson. I love your post today -- I love conversion of old buildings.

Lilli & Nevada a dit…

Very nice, love the old buildings interesting