La lettre G initiale de "geese" ( oies en anglais).
Des oies sauvages au lever du jour sur le lac du Der.
Des oies domestiques au sud de la Suède à Vemmenhög, la maison de Nils Holgersson le héros du livre de Selma Lagerloff : "Le merveilleux voyage de Nils Holgersson à travers la Suède".
J'ai appris à lire avec ce livre et le mariage de ma fille s'est tenu dans cette maison en 2002.
Malheureusement cette maison a été détruite il y a quelques années par un pyromane.
ABC wednesday.
Today it's G like goose, geese in a glowing sunrise and Nils HolGersson.
First some wild geese in the sunset over the lake Der.
Then the house of Nils Holgersson the character of the book written by Selma Lagerloff " The wonderful trip of Nils Holgersson across Sweden". I learnt to read with this book and the marriage of my daughter Anna took place in this mansion in the year 2002.
This house has been destroyed on purpose by a fire some years after
Here the list of the participants to this ABC today.
1. Anne-Berit2. SuwatPo-Digitalshuttermania3. Alan4. ellen b5. Erin6. Kathy b7. Pernille8. Hanne Cecilie9. Lana G!10. Mr Mapper11. kRiZ cPEc12. Katney13. DEE14. kml15. kRiZ cPEc16. Siani17. Paulie18. Linda (granmal)19. Kuanyin20. Digital Flower21. Kate22. Lilli23. Nancy24. annie25. avcr8teur26. Dirty Knees27. Janet28. Kate
29. Sharon (Hustle Hag)30. Josie31. Jonna32. Neva33. Picturing of Life34. Petunia35. Deslilas36. Deb at 10/4037. Leslie38. ArneA39. hpy40. gordon41. gordon42. radonvilliers43. Lynette44. Gerald (Ackworthborn)45. Hyde Daily Photo46. GAWO-photo47. IDA48. JoAnn's D-Eyes-NL visit me:)49. photowannabe50. VP51. BumbleVee52. BeritT53. kostas54. Liz55. Blue56. Luis V.
57. Dragonstar58. Helena (Creating A Likeness)59. miss yves60. HELENA (USE THIS ONE!)61. HildeS62. Kerri63. happyone64. The Rocky Mountain Retreat65. Mollitudes-Advice from a JRT66. Dogaholics67. Salty Dogs- Photos of dogs at the beach68. gemma69. Barb70. abbagirl7471. Daryl E72. miss Yves73. Mari - kameravene74. Aina75. Gunilla76. Gary77. Gary78. Andrea79. imac80. Flassie81. Ninnie82. azure83. Marie
If you want an up-to-date list it's better to go on
30 commentaires:
That first photo is absolutely magnificent. Geese are a good subject for G.
I agree with katney that first one is absolutely gorgeous Good set of G
One word, four ways to picture it. VERY nice idea!
Wow, that first shot is amazing! Great G photos!
Really great G's, but the first one was incredible :)
Great photos; and like some others I really like the first one. It is such a pity the beautiful mansion was destroyed.
beautiful geese photo you have :D
Hope you visit mine also Thanks.
Hi ,
This is a wonderfull G Theme for ABC wednesday,I like the goose.
ehhhh the list of ABC participants almost doubled in the meanwhile so you might update your list maybe? I was at nr 48 already!
Greetings from JoAnn/Holland
Visit my G for ABC wednesday
ta premiere photo est magnifique, elle m'a fait chantonné la chanson de delpech
"Par dessus l'étang
Soudain j'ai vu
Passer les oies sauvages
Elles s'en allaient
Vers le midi
La Méditerranée"
xdLes photos sont magnifiques. La premiére est etonnant!
love roasted Peking Duck
Very beautiful the post, marvellous history of small Nils Holgersson, with this I grew my son!
Each time where we hear this name we laugh!
Before certain days him it advertized some channel of TV in dvd, again for small children!
The first shot is BEAUTIFUL! :)))
Fabulous Gs
These are such beautiful photos. The house is nestled in such beautiful surroundings. I'd love to see it in person.
Lovely. I love the different photos of one subject.
WoW! The first picture is awesome. Have you don something with the sun??? Touch of pink?
Great post!
What a cute "G" post. Beautiful
Beautiful photo's that made me smile!
By the way, there are about 80 participants now!
Great G-post,love the first photo:o)
You're right the best list is always on
I've changed my post.
That first photo is incredible. What a wonderful picture! I'm so glad you shared it with us.
Hi there!
Very nice and professional photos!
10 points of 10 possible.
Superbe cette photo du vol des oies. J'ai adoré ce livre aussi dans ma jeunesse.
I love the flying geese. Great shot. Great G post.
The first pic had not any colour treatment. It was shot with a Panasonic Lumix FZ-1.
How sad about the mansion.
Oh lovely geese. We're hoping to get one or two, along with some chickens.
Your geese look a lot like ours.
Wow! FANTASTIC shots! LOVE LOVE LOVE that first one!
Tu as des tres bonnes g photos! Merci pour le lien.
A bientot!
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